Tuesday, January 2, 2007

The Beginning

So I must be about the billionth person to start their own blog and the odds of me actually getting significant readers has got to be worse than the odds that Royals win the world series, but just like the Royals and many of you I will give it a shot anyway.

I might as well start with a little background info on me. Currently I'm in my second year of University and while I find my major interesting (finance) the thought of getting a job in it for the next thirty or more years scares me more than anything else. In a little over two years I'm going to have to have a full time job and be an adult. All of the possibilities that were present just a few years ago will be gone as I settle in on an ordinary life. It's a sobering thought and something I'm not ready to give into yet. My entire life I was told that I could do anything that I set my mind to and after giving everything I had into playing football in the summer of 2002 I realized that I was never going to be a professionally athlete. I felt like everyone lied to me. Since then every year the seemingless endless possibilities started to dwindle away slowly. When the ball dropped ending 2006 and ringing in 2007 more of life's opportunities passed me by and my youth was definitely slipping away into adulthood. So what I want to do with my life I'm not entirely sure but a nine to five job isn't it. I'm definitely lost right now and hopefully I can figure it out before its too late.

Anyway the blog I feel will be a step in the right direction. It will probably be mostly about sports but who knows and I guarantee that this will be the most depressing column I'll ever write. From here on out hopefully I'll be able to entertain readers and make it a daily site to check out. You can expect one to two columns a week maybe three if I'm not busy and feeling frisky. Feel free to email me at anytime and I got to believe that this will be a war of attrition. If I stick at this long enough eventually sometime and someplace, someone will pay me to do this.

Go Gators Go
The Lancer

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