Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Short column today and their probably won't be another one until next week. I know, I'm lazy but, there's a whole lot of basketball to watch and I have three upcoming midterms. Ordinarily the column would take priority over school but my parents are paying for it so I figure I'll throw them a bone and actually put in some effort.

With that being said here are a couple rules when filling out your bracket.

1) Avoid the popular underdog: They almost always lose I don't know if it's sheer luck or if they get it in there head that they'll win which makes them complacent and then they forget the fact that they go to a school like Winthrop and not Notre Dame.

2) Avoid high seeded small schools. Generally their not as good as they think they are. That means you Butler, Southern Illinois.

3) Pick at least one number 12 seed to win over a number 5 seed. It's like a Naomi Campbell arrest. Happens every year and you don't know why.

4) If in doubt pick the school with the best player. Looks like good news for Texas fans.

5) Pick teams that you like: Remember it's a crapshoot so why not root for teams that you actually like instead of having the awkward their my favorite team and I picked them to lose but now they won scenario.

Hopefully the following link will work and you can see my picks if not I'll give you a quick run over of the highlights.

My Elite Eight is: Florida, Oregon, Kansas, UCLA, Texas, Georgetown, Ohio State, Texas A&M

Final Four: Florida, Kansas, Georgetown, Texas A&M

Finals: Florida, Georgetown

Winner: Florida

See I had to go with the Gators although my head is telling me that Kansas will win. Other teams that have an outstanding shot are Georgetown and Texas.

My final piece of advice is to watch as many games as you can possibly stand. Skip class, phone in sick whatever it takes. I know I'm going to put in a good 12 hours a day from Thursday until Sunday. (On another unrelated note I don't have a girlfriend and I don't understand why) Obviously this is impossible for some so make sure you at least watch Texas play because you may never get to see Durant play in college again and he is an man among boys. Makes me jealous that he is two years younger than I am.

Until next week

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